White, Edith

We met Edith White at the Castle Peak Retirement Suites in Bracebridge, where she presently lives.  Eve is one of several authors/editors who assembled At Your Age, a collection of stories of those who live there.  The residents felt it was important for them to record their stories, which serve as a great entry point into their generation’s collective experiences.

Edith’s own story very much centres around her family; born in northern Ontario, Edith experienced life on the farm, and she recalls selling sweet peas at the height of the Depression.  When the war came, her brothers worked in war industries and Edith attended Toronto Normal School, where she studies to become a teacher, which became her life’s work.  From there, she married, sadly losing two husbands to cancer, and fighting this terrible disease has become another key element of her life.  Her third husband, Ivan White, was a WW2 veteran, and his story is told here and in her addition to the book.


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