Watt, Janet

Janet Watt was one of so many women who entered the armed forces during the Second World War.  Janet chose to go in the navy, and she became one of the WRENs.  As Janet entered the services at the end of the war, her time in the military was limited, though her experiences are very illustrative of the period.  Having grown up out west, Janet’s war years were spent in the Toronto area; she remembers parading on Harbord, as she was being trained as a dental assistant, something very much needed for Canadian troops abroad and returning home.  She did her part, like so many others, and that continues to this day, as Janet volunteers her time at Sunnybrook, where she sings for the veterans.

We met Janet there on a morning in February 2017, where Janet was interviewed by Arielle Meyer, Angelina Audette, and Michael Lim.  Janet sat down with Scott Masters and Eric Brunt in December 2018, when she was interviewed in her home.


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