Quint, Rena

Rena Quint was born in 1935 and 1936, depending on the source.  This is because of her early life circumstances, before and after the Shoah.  Her birth family, her two parents and her two brothers, did not survive, and her adoptive mother in Sweden changed Rena’s birthdate to match that of her own deceased daughter.  […]

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Brodie, Hugh

Hugh Brodie was born October 13, 1926 in Montreal, Quebec.  He grew up in the city against the backdrop of the Great Depression, attending school and playing football and hockey.  Hugh’s father was a doctor who passed away young, so Hugh was raised by his mother.  When the time came to choose his next step […]

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Lett, Ken

Kenneth Lett was born July 13, 1923 in Carp, Ontario, a small farming village to the west of Ottawa.  He worked the land and would go to the Byward Market with his mother when he wasn’t playing hockey or attending school.  When the war came, Ken and his brother opted for the RCAF.  Ken went […]

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Parsons, Julia

Julia Parsons was born March 2, 1921 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Her father was an instructor at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, and her mother was a kindergarten teacher.  Julia recalls her childhood as being a traditional one, as dictated by the Victorian mores of the time.  The family was not heavily impacted by the Depression, […]

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Mitelman, Les

Les Mitelman is a Crestwood grandfather; his grandson Liam Stern was in Grade 8 at the time this interview was completed.  Les was born in Tarnopol, Poland on July 21, 1938, so he was only a baby when the war began, so growing up he had to learn the unspeakable and horrible lessons the Shoah […]

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Brewster, George

George Brewster was born April 5, 1923.  He grew up in New Brunswick, the son of a Great War veteran who had enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps.  After the war his father worked for the railroad, managing to keep food on the table even during the difficult days of the Great Depression, a time […]

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