Nayman, Sol

Sol Nayman is a Holocaust Survivor from Poland.  He was born in 1935 to Yudel Najman and Sore Roize Rosenberg; his older sister Mania was born in 1928.  When the war came in 1939, simple, everyday life in their village was turned upside down.  The family was fortunate to escape to the forest, where they saw the Wehrmacht’s trucks and troops roll through and destroy what was in their path.  From there the Naymans managed to trace a path to the east, eventually making their way to the Soviet Union.  Once in the USSR, they had to deal with the wartime conditions in that nation, and they were forced into the vast reaches of Siberia, where Sol’s parents toiled away for many years.  As the war drew to a close, they made their way back to the west, to the Ukraine and eventually Germany itself, where they found themselves in the Wetzlar DP Camp.  Here life slowly came back to a state of relative normalcy, and after several years the family managed to emigrate to Canada.  Sol attended school, where he excelled, setting him on a path for success in later life.

Now retired, Sol is active in Holocaust education, and a participant in the March of the Living, which took him to Poland and Israel in May 2016.  He visited us at Crestwood in April 2016, first speaking to a small group of Grade 11-12 students, and then Mr. Hawkins’ Grade 10 history class.


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