Metatawabin, Mike

Mike Metatawabin was born and raised in the First Nation community of Fort Albany located in northern Ontario along the shores of western James Bay.  Mike is a survivor of the St. Anne’s residential school which was located right in his community.  Like so many indigenous children he endured those abuses, while other Canadians remained unaware of this situation, which was kept invisible for so long.  Mike comes from a family that has always been passionate in providing leadership and advocacy for its community.  His father and three brothers before him were elected to serve as Chief for their community, and Mike has taken on many other leadership roles over the years, including Board Chair for Nishnawbe Aski Police Services, Chairperson for the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, President for Five Nations Energy, and in 2009, he was elected as Deputy Grand Chief for Nishnawbe Aski Nation.  Crestwood students were fortunate to zoom with Mike in May 2022, as he and we turn our attention to addressing the dark legacies of this part of Canada’s heritage.  Mike shared stories of his childhood and family, and commented on other issues related to truth and reconciliation and the current context.


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