Kreamer, Louis

Louis Kreamer was born October 25, 1934 in Welland, Ontario.  He grew up during the Second World War, the eldest of eight children.  Lou’s father worked for Ontario Hydro, and was deemed an essential worker, and as Lou recalls his mother took care of them all.  Lou played softball and rugby and attended Welland Vocational; when he graduated he and a friend walked down to the local recruiting office and joined the military.  Lou went into the RCAF, where his trade became radar and radio maintenance and repair.  He specialized in the CF-100, and he served as part of Canada’s NATO forces with 440 Squadron in West Germany.  Once his five year enlistment was up, Lou chose to extend his time in the air force, and he ended making a career out of it, spending 32 years in service.  When the time came to retire, he took on a position as a civilian contractor working for the Canadian Forces, and Lou helped in the introduction of computers onto Canadian bases, modernizing the Forces. Lou Kreamer was interviewed by Scott Masters at the Parkwood Veteran Centre in London, Ontario in August 2023.


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