Horlock, Harvey

Harvey Horlock is a veteran of the Canadian Forces from the postwar years.  He enlisted in the 1950s, with the memory of the sacrifice of his World War Two uncles fresh in his mind, and in that decade of service he helped in the clean-up after Hurricane Hazel, among other events.  He has been heavily involved with the Métis Nation of Ontario for many years, where he is a past president.  He has also represented the Métis Veterans at the Oshwegan National Memoriam Day and he has been invited by the Premier’s Office to represent the MNO at the Remembrance Day ceremony in Queen’s Park.  Mr. Horlock is also past representative for Ontario to the National Veterans Council and past member of the National Aboriginal Veteran Association (NAVA).  Mr. Horlock is a proud member of the Toronto Scottish Regiment, and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Todmorden Branch number 10, and it was they who brought him to Crestwood’s attention.

Mr. Horlock was interviewed by Mr. Masters at his home for this project in March 2018.


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