Comisso, Amber

LCdr Amber Comisso is a member of Canada’s present day forces, serving her nation in the navy.  She visited Crestwood in April 2019, at which time she shared her experiences with Mr. Birrell’s Geography 9 class.

She is originally from the GTA, and the military was not in her sights until the time for university came.  But an orientation session recommended by her mother pushed her in that direction, and she ended up going to RMC in Kingston.  Her experience aboard ships was minimal, but she opted for the navy, a decision that continues to inspire her and to push her to excel.  She shared her impressions of life aboard ship with the students, answering their many questions about missions and general living conditions, especially on extended deployments.  Her recollections ran the gamut, from the chain of command to Sunday Sundaes!  LCdr Comisso has seen many interesting locales on her journeys, from the Persian Gulf to east Asia, serving alongside NATO allies and on multiple RCN ships.  We thank her for her service and for visiting Crestwood!


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