Watson, Earl

Earl Watson was born April 15, 1930 in Brantford, Ontario.  The family relocated to Owen Sound during the Depression, as Earl’s father found work as a welder.  Earl’s childhood was typical; he went to school and more importantly enjoyed his time with friends, playing baseball and whatever else.  Earl was too young for the Second World War, but he longed to join the navy, and he and a friend tried the American navy, but not meeting with success they returned to Canada and joined the RCN, where Earl went into the Fleet Air Arm.  He was stationed aboard the HMCS Magnificent, one of the RCNs aircraft carriers of the era.  The Cold War dominated the politics of the time, and the Korean War took place while Early was in the service, but the Maggie was stationed in the Atlantic.  Earl was dispatched to the Mediterranean during the Turkish and Egyptian crises of the mid-50s, and he was consequently able to visit ports-of-call around the Mediterranean region and Africa.  He remembers this as a positive time in his life, one where he learned important values that would guide him later on, and he is proud of the service completed for Canada.  Mr. Masters’ History 12 class zoomed with Earl just before Remembrance Day 2021. 


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