Kelley, Travis

Major Travis Kelley had a family background in the military, so he was interested at a young age.  He studied Engineering at the University of Waterloo and joined the Army Reserves when he was finishing his undergrad.  He then did basic training at the Wolseley Barracks and completed other training as a Combat Engineer in Gagetown, NB.  From there he trained to be the Principal of the Canadian Forces School of Military Mapping and he worked as a Military Cartographer.  He was then deployed to Afghanistan where he aided citizens in road building; the road was paved which made it more resistant to IEDs and it gave villages access to Bazaar-i-Panjwaii, which was a main trading hub in the Panjwaii province.  In 2010, Haiti was ravaged by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that destroyed major parts of the country; Major Kelley worked in the headquarters of the UN Military component in Haiti, where he was Operations Manager.  At present he is completing his Master’s Degree at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto, and in that capacity he visited Crestwood in March 2020 to speak to the World Issues class.


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