Hobbs, Murray

Murray Neil Hobbs was born in 1921 in Pickering, Ontario. He was born on a milk farm with his mother, father, and brother. At the age of seven his family moved to Toronto because of the Great Depression. Murray left school early and worked a series of jobs, including being a delivery boy.  He joined the Toronto Scottish in his teens, and then went right into the war, followed by his younger brother, who joined four years later. During the war Murray was a dispatch rider, leading truck convoys; he was also part of the mortar regiment. Murray participated in the war for five years, returning home with many medals and rank of corporal. He later married, and along with his new wife and two daughters, he fell into the rhythm of civilian life.
Murray Hobbs was interviewed in the Sunnybrook Veterans’ Wing in November 2018 by a delegation of Crestwood students, including lead editors David Reddick and William Dennison.


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