Li, Chun San

  • Li ChunShan is the grandfather of Crestwood student Tommy Li.  He was born in in 1942 in Shenyang, China. He is the youngest of three siblings. He attended school before the age of 15 years old and also helped his parents on the farm. During the Great famine, he was working in a train station. At age 28, he married and he and his young wife set about building a life together. Li ChunShan is currently 76 years old and lives in Shenyang, China.

  • Li ChunShan was interviewed for this Oral History projection February 2018 by his grandson Tommy Li.

  • 李春山1942年出生于中国沈阳。 他是三个兄弟姐妹中最小的。 他在15岁之前上过学,帮助他的父母农场。 在大饥荒期间,他在火车站工作。 28岁时,他嫁给了我的祖母,他们开始共同创造生活。 李春山目前76岁,住在中国沈阳。

  • 在2018年2月, 李春山的孙子李东轩采访了李春山。


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