Wu Jianping

In July 2017 Crestwood teacher Scott Masters took part in Alpha Education’s Peace and Reconciliation Tour.  Seventeen educators, activists, lawyers, and documentarians toured China and Korea, learning about the Asian perspective on the Second World War, and exploring ways to raise awareness of this side of the war to an international audience.  The tour was organized by Don Tow, as part of his ongoing efforts to stimulate social justice education and to improve Asian-American understanding and relationships.  Many difficult issues were raised and studied during this tour, including that of Japan’s use of chemical and biological agents of warfare.  While in China, the members of the Alpha Tour were able to meet with Wu Jianping, whose own family suffered this fate during the war.  Mr.  Wu has dedicated himself to studying the suffering of the people of Quzhou, and to helping them recover from the many aspects of their postwar conditions.   Mr.  Wu led the Alpha group on a museum tour, and subsequent visits with survivors, as well as on a very memorable lunch.

Please note that this interview is in Chinese, with the English translation at the end of each segment.



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